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Posts Tagged ‘audiobook’

January Blues?

Esther Wane

How is it that January has both flown by and also seemed to have 985 days in it?  I am not one for launching into the new year all guns blazing.  I take my cue from the trees who are still waiting to emerge from winter slumber. That is not to say that January isn’t…

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My Life as an Audiobook Narrator

I sit in a padded box talking to myself in many different voices. Some call it madness, I call it a job. In 2013 I graduated from Drama School as a 40 year old mother of two, desperately wanting to make a new life for myself as an actor and writer, hopefully reaching the holy…

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Can we find Joy in the Juggle?

Maybe it’s the fact that I woke up with a headache, maybe it’s the pounding rain outside or maybe it’s the realisation that the summer, that long awaited haven, has only a few weeks left to run before the back to school buzz of September, but I’m feeling a little underwhelmed right now.  Anyone else?…

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My First Audiobook

Remembering my first audiobook in audiobook month. Summer of 1978 When I was five I went into hospital for the summer, a warm August in 1978. I had been born with a hole in my heart that had left me officially failing to thrive. I was small, sickly and struggled to breathe with a fairly…

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