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Creativity in Business; The Business of Creativity

Did you yearn to place creativity and its life affirming energy at the centre of your life?

Would you like your work to be about looking out into the world with love and using your creativity to make things better for yourself and everyone around you?

Do you want to work from a position of strength, leading your life and leading others in a way that brings out the best in all of you?

Are you willing to discover the resilience and resources you have at your disposal to make your creative wishes come true?

Would you like your voice to be heard so that your story, your insights and your understanding can inspire and influence others and you can have the impact you truly desire?

Are you ready to heed creativity's call and step in faith into your story, becoming the creative hero you are meant to be?


As a creative artist and entrepreneur I have developed a life and business to suit myself and my family which has included training, coaching and mentoring as well as acting and writing.  I have faced many challenges in this arena and believe the blend of skills and experience I have from the corporate, entrepreneurial and acting world give me a unique insight into how each person can develop their own way of leading with confidence, clarity and creativity.

I have been mentoring and managing teams for over twenty years, in an accountancy firm, then in investment banks, rising to Executive Director level at both Goldman Sachs and UBS, and now in my own creative business.  I have successfully led teams as a young professional, as a young mother on a flexible working arrangement and as a creative entrepreneur.

Starting by understanding your strengths and sense of purpose I will guide you to develop your own style of creative leadership, your creative hero.  Whether you are a leader in a creative business or a business leader who prizes creativity and innovation this bespoke and personalised programme will support you as you understand your call, develop your resources and then share your insights with others.

Using the template of the hero's journey as set out by Joseph Campbell I will support you as you can step into your story and become the creative hero you are meant to be. Every coaching relationship is different and, as a one to one client, the programme will be tailored to you, but we will consider broadly the following elements:

Listen for Your Story

Through careful listening and analysis of your individual personal strengths I work with you to receive understanding of your call to action, preparing you to step out in faith into your authentic creative leadership style.

Through CAPP strengths analysis, mindfulness and growth mindset work you will prepare to heed your call and step into the unknown with creativity clear in:

  1. Your purpose,
  2. Your call to action,
  3. The hero you are uncovering, and
  4. The guide who is urging you on.

Write Your Story

At this point you know your call to action and are ready to embark on your leadership adventure but  you want to give yourself the best chance of success in.your endeavours, as well as making the creative process one of growth and strength rather than depletion and exhaustion.

 During this element of the programme I guide you through an understanding of the outcomes you would like, the obstacles you may face and the resources you have at your disposal.  By looking at these in detail you become empowered to develop your own creative practice and devise a plan of action that supports your resilience, nourishing you as you move through the challenges of bringing your creation to fruition.

At the end of this process you will have a clear understanding of the resources at your disposal that will support you in your creative leadership, including:

  1. Your mindset and resilience,
  2. Your physical and emotional wellbeing,
  3. Your key relationships and supporters, and
  4. Your time, money and energy.

Clear on these resources you will be able to devise a hero's practice that will support you as you lead your team into the next stage of their growth.

Tell Your Story

During this part of the programme we look at what you have achieved and how you can best inspire others to follow your lead. Considering your communication style I will guide you to develop your own voice so that your ideas are heard and understood.  Using your unique voice and the story of your and your team we will then delve into how you can make an impact and influence those around you so that your team's ideas and successes are more likely to be recognised and celebrated.

At the end of this process you will understand:

  1. How you like to communicate,
  2. How you can use that to ensure your voice is heard, and
  3. How you can authentically influence others so your team can have the impact it deserves.

How to work with me:

I work with people who are dedicated to their long term development so would look to have a six month commitment from you, during which we would explore your challenges and guide you to create a leadership practice that works for you and with you.

During this time we would meet either in person (if near Hertfordshire or London) or virtually (by Skype or Zoom) and I would also provide you with email support between sessions to guide you through any particular challenges.  I understand that can seem a large commitment so I offer a discovery call for free and then a strengths session which you can decide to take stand alone at a modest cost or can be rolled into the bespoke package we design after that.

Contact me to find out more about bespoke One to One Creative Hero Coaching and book a discovery call.



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