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Posts Tagged ‘actor’

January Blues?

Esther Wane

How is it that January has both flown by and also seemed to have 985 days in it?  I am not one for launching into the new year all guns blazing.  I take my cue from the trees who are still waiting to emerge from winter slumber. That is not to say that January isn’t…

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How Did I Book a TEDx Talk?

Stepping into Your Story I am giving a TEDx talk on November 16th at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (RCSSD) about creativity and its transformational powers.  I am not going to tell you here about the contents of the talk, but how it came about. What’s a TEDx? When I tell someone I…

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My First Audiobook

Remembering my first audiobook in audiobook month. Summer of 1978 When I was five I went into hospital for the summer, a warm August in 1978. I had been born with a hole in my heart that had left me officially failing to thrive. I was small, sickly and struggled to breathe with a fairly…

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Storytellers are Emotional Athletes

Emotional Athletes, Storytellers,

Athletes need a support team. Being a storyteller Al Pacino said that actors become emotional athletes. I would extend his description to all storytellers, whether writers, film makers, musicians, theatre directors or actors. He describes this as a painful process that caused his personal life to suffer. But does that have to be the case?…

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